As a business owner, you are always on the lookout for ways to improve your marketing strategy and stand out from the competition. Have you ever considered incorporating scent marketing into your plan? The power of scent is often overlooked, but it can significantly impact customer behavior and brand perception. In this article, we will explore the science behind scent and sensory marketing, different types of scent marketing for restaurants, retail stores and corporate offices, successful campaigns, how to implement it in your business, common mistakes to avoid, and the future of scent branding.

The Power of Scent in Marketing

Our sense of smell is closely linked to our emotions and memories. A pleasant scent can trigger positive emotions and create a lasting impression on the visitors to your location. Studies have shown that scent can increase brand recognition, improve customer experience, and influence purchase decisions.

For example, a study conducted by Nike found that customers spent 80% more time in their retail stores when they used scent marketing. In another study, researchers found that shoppers would pay up to 20% more for scented products than unscented products.

Therefore, incorporating scent branding into your business can be an effective way to differentiate yourself from the competition and create a memorable brand experience for your customers.

The Science Behind Scent Marketing

Scent marketing stimulates the limbic system in our brain, which is responsible for emotions, memories, and motivation. When we smell something, the olfactory receptors in our nose send signals to the limbic system, which then triggers certain emotions and memories.

For example, the scent of freshly baked bread can evoke feelings of warmth and comfort, while the smell of lavender can promote relaxation and calmness. By using scents that are associated with positive emotions and memories, businesses can create a more enjoyable and memorable customer experience.

Types of Scent Marketing

There are various types of scent branding that businesses can use, depending on their goals and target audience. Some of the most common types include:

Architectural Scenting

Architectural scenting involves using diffusers or other scent delivery systems to distribute fragrance throughout a building or space — usually through the HVAC system. This type of scent marketing is often used in hotels, spas, and retail stores to create a specific ambiance or mood.

Product Scenting

Product scenting involves adding a fragrance to a product or packaging to enhance its appeal. This type of scent marketing is often used in the beauty and personal care industry, where scents are added to perfumes, lotions, and other products to create a unique brand experience.

Ambient Scenting

Ambient scenting involves using scents to enhance the overall atmosphere of a space. This type of scent marketing is often used in public spaces like airports, hospitals, and offices to create a more pleasant environment for customers.

Examples of Successful Scent Marketing Campaigns

Many businesses have already seen success with scent marketing. Here are a few examples:

Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch is known for its strong signature scent, which is pumped throughout its stores. The scent, which is a blend of citrus, musk, and woods, is designed to create a youthful and energetic vibe.

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines uses a signature scent called "Stefan Floridian Waters," which is a blend of jasmine, rose, lavender, and other floral scents. The scent is used in their hot towels, cabins, and even their lounges to create a luxurious and relaxing experience for their passengers.


Subway uses scent marketing to entice customers with the smell of freshly baked bread. The scent is pumped out of their stores to create a welcoming and appetizing atmosphere.

How to Implement Scent Marketing in Your Business

If you are interested in incorporating scent marketing into your business, here are a few tips:

Identify your goals

Before implementing scent marketing, it's important to identify your goals and target audience. What kind of experience do you want to create for your customers? What emotions do you want to evoke?

Choose the right scent

Choose a scent that is aligned with your brand and target audience. Consider the emotions and memories associated with different scents and choose one that will create a positive customer experience. Professional perfumers like Les Vides Anges Fragrances can help you develop or choose the best scent.

Use a professional scent delivery system

Invest in a professional scent delivery system to ensure that the scent is distributed evenly and consistently throughout your space. This will help create a more effective and memorable experience for your customers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Scent Marketing

While scent marketing can be a powerful tool, there are also some common mistakes to avoid:

Overwhelming scents

Using a too-strong or overpowering scent can be off-putting to customers. It's important to choose a scent that is pleasant and subtle.

Inconsistent scents

Inconsistent scent delivery can create a confusing and unpleasant experience for customers. It's important to invest in a professional scent delivery system to ensure that the scent is distributed evenly and consistently.

Unaligned scents

Choosing a scent that is not aligned with your brand or target audience can create confusion and detract from the overall experience. It's important to have a professional choose a scent aligned with your brand and target audience.

The Future of Scent Marketing

We can expect to see even more innovative and effective scent marketing strategies as technology advances. One emerging trend is the use of scent-infused virtual reality experiences, which can create a more immersive and memorable brand experience for customers.


Scent marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to differentiate themselves from the competition and create a memorable brand experience for their customers. By using scents that evoke positive emotions and memories, businesses can increase brand recognition, improve customer experience, and even influence purchase decisions. However, it's important to choose the right scent, use a professional scent delivery system, and avoid common mistakes like overwhelming or inconsistent scents. With the right approach, scent marketing can be a valuable addition to your marketing strategy.


Les Vides Anges Architectural Scenting Services

If you want to incorporate scent marketing into your retail store or corporate offices, consider working with our team for a custom scent branding service. We can help you identify the right scent, choose the right delivery system, and create a customized scent marketing strategy that aligns with your goals and target audience.