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Rescue 5 plastic bottles
ノート: 海水の浴槽で搾りたての柚子とベルガモット。ドライカモミールの花、流木、クラリセージの軽いタッチが空気中に残ります。
当社のディフューザー フレグランス オイルはすべて、 AromatechやAroma360のような冷気ディフューザーとネブライザーのみを使用して家庭用および業務用に香りを付けるために特別に配合されています。局所的に使用したり、摂取したりすることを目的としたものではありません。各オイルには、パラベン、DPG、グリコール、石油化学製品、合成着色料、その他の有害な化学物質を含まない天然分離物とクリーンなアロマ成分が使用されています。
オイルを使用するには、冷気ディフューザーからボトルを取り外し、LVA オイルを注ぎます。ボトルをねじ込んで元の位置に戻します。このディフュージョン オイルは、すぐに使用できる濃縮されたアンビエント フレグランスです。そのため、水や他のキャリアと混合しないでください。香りの強さをお好みのレベルに調整してください。詳細については、マシンの説明書を確認してください。
“Love this warm, spicy scent. It’s my favorite of the Reed diffusers I’ve tried so far.”
“I took a chance when buying this perfume and from the moment a sprayed it on, I was enveloped in a cloud of refreshing and warm accords. The longevity of this perfume is also impressive. Overall, this perfume deserves to be experienced.”
"As a small house of perfumery, Vides Anges is a most pleasant surprise, in addition of presenting an interesting body of work that, I’m sure, will keep evolving. The is a beautifully blended and finely nuanced perfume. Thank you for bringing this to life."
“This is my everything scent. Classic and clean but super malleable. It changes constantly, subtly, and it’s lovely all day in its different ways. ❤️”
“Love this warm, spicy scent. It’s my favorite of the Reed diffusers I’ve tried so far.”
“I took a chance when buying this perfume and from the moment a sprayed it on, I was enveloped in a cloud of refreshing and warm accords. The longevity of this perfume is also impressive. Overall, this perfume deserves to be experienced.”
"As a small house of perfumery, Vides Anges is a most pleasant surprise, in addition of presenting an interesting body of work that, I’m sure, will keep evolving. The is a beautifully blended and finely nuanced perfume. Thank you for bringing this to life."
“This is my everything scent. Classic and clean but super malleable. It changes constantly, subtly, and it’s lovely all day in its different ways. ❤️”
We’ve partnered with Greenspark to support vetted climate-positive projects around the world that reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Our projects are in line with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, ensuring that we maximise both our environmental and social footprints simultaneously.
Read more about this project, click here.We’re fighting plastic pollution by ethically recovering & recycling ocean-bound plastic. Together with Greenspark, we’re working to prevent ocean bound plastics from reaching our waterways, and reducing the need for new plastic by providing a recycled alternative while supporting local communities economically.
Read more about this project, click here.We're restoring mangrove forests in Mombasa, Kenya by planting a variety of native species, ensuring the greatest benefit to the environment possible. The project also supports the local community with fair wages, access to healthcare and insurance so that the benefits extend.
Read more about this project, click here.あなたは ||額|| 送料無料まであと少し!
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